Zorro Azteca; a fashion brand based on México and her history. Let’s start at the beginning: once upon a time in Mexico, when there were more different gods than tequila brands, there were some Aztec guys; The Mexica of Tenochtitlan they were called. Yes, that’s a mouth full. These Aztec fellows were living the life; sun for days, hot latin girls, tequila like water and not a dirty Spanish scumbag in sight. There was only one remarkable thing; every now and then one of these hot latin girls got set on fire. So who were these Aztec fuckers and why the heck were they setting these Latinas on fire? Let's first check out our new colección while listening to some Azteca tunes. After that we'll tell you the rest of the story.
That’s quite easy; if they didn’t offer the sungods some nice fresh human offers, the sun would disappear. And Mexico without sun is like the Netherlands without XTC. Of course you don’t have to offer a Wey every day, but once in a month would be good to get that nice sunrays. There was however one thing; Aztecs didn’t have iPhones. Steve Trabajo wasn’t even born yet, so they had to find another way to establish the time and date. That’s why our amigos made the Piedra del Sol. With this piece of stone they knew when to light up some new flesh and keep the fifth sun, a.k.a. El Quinto Sol, on fire
So why do we talk about the fifth and not the first sun? Because we live in the in the fifth world; Nahui Ollin. The first four worlds were destroyed by some jaguars, a hurricane, a fire rain and a good old flood. Yes, all really dramatic but Aztecs like drama. Now you also know why latinas are so hotheated. So, at the moment we are living in the fifth world and where would we be without a sungod?
Exactly; nowhere. That's where our hermano Tonatiuh joins the story. This OG was there as well in the first four worlds. Back then, he was just chilling but in our current world, the fifth one, he decided it was time for him to become the sun. No sooner said than done, he became our yellow amigo. Because we have enough rain here in our frog country, it’s time to bring your offer to Tonatiuh a.k.a. El Dios del Sol. Don’t worry as we are 500 years ahead now, so our sun friend evolutionized with us. You don’t have to throw yourself in the fire today, for now it’s enough to show him some amor by nipping some Don Julio and shoveling a taco in your face.